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Our beloved country Afghanistan has been the cradle of culture and science for decades; among them the art of medicine could be highlighted in which the name of Abu Ali Sina Balkhi (the father of medicine) puts the stump of confirming these assert. Unfortunately, by passing through ages of life and due to many obstacles, be it political, social or economical, our country could not hold onto the caravan of science and has been doomed in having a better place in today’s science.
Therefore, we the eye doctors, while respecting the true and glorious service of our ancestors in medicine, are committed in uniting the eye doctors as we think that this will flourish the service we render and causes eye medicine to thrive in our country allowing us to better serve our countrymen in need while defending the legitimate rights of eye doctors. Thus, to accomplish these compassionate objectives, we formed the Afghanistan Society of Ophthalmology (ASO).
ASO is a scientific, social and independent organization. ASO works without any political vision; it announces its existence with high moral of humanity, love to its country and nation, professional honesty in accordance with scientific ethics applicable in today’s medicine practice.
ASO urges for development of eye medicines. Delivering of better medical service to the people of Afghanistan, defending the legitimate rights of eye doctors as well as eye patients are on the top of the tasks of ASO.